Wednesday, March 4, 2009

march(ing) onward

I can't believe it's March already. Crazy stuff. Time is flying by, and yet, sometimes the daily stuff just seems SO slow! Spring break's coming up fast, and I'm definitely excited to go home. As break approaches, sleep is becoming more and more of a's the same feeling you get after running for a while-every step burns and your lungs feel like they can't take it anymore-at this point, my eyes burn and my brain feels like it's about to explode. Thank goodness for the occasional nap. Supposedly this whole college thing will be worth it in the end...I'm almost there. ;)

There's not a whole lot on the agenda for break, just mostly hanging with the family, but it will be nice to be away from school and kind of split the semester up. Also, one of my good friends from home got engaged a couple weekends ago, so it'll be really good to catch up on all her news over lunch at some point.

Anyway, that's about all that's going down on this end. Later,


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