Wednesday, March 25, 2009

getting by

Spring break has come and gone, and there are just a handful of weeks left in the school year...thankgoodness! :)

Break went very well and it was so, so nice to go home and be with family and close friends. I even got to spend two evenings with J., who drove 6 hours to be home for 2 days. What a lucky girl I am to have a guy who will do that. Anyway, my flights went well too, and by chance, I was seated next to a retired English teacher on one of them. It was very neat to be able to ask her questions about her teaching experiences and to be able to converse in "teacher lingo" with someone who had so much experience in the field-definitely an education! ;)

This week, I am starting a very difficult assignment at work and though I am happy to be back to finish the year, I am dreading this project that my reputation as a potential educator rides on. I am hoping for the best, but the time constraints and the lack of drive of my charge are going to be difficult to overcome. Oh well.

A bright spot: I went to the city library today to do some homework and it happened to be discarded book day. I was able to purchase two books for $1.00-awesome!

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