I work in a clothes store. Most of the time, I work in the baby/kid department. With that as my preface, let me say this: I do not understand parents who dress their babies like animals. I mean, isn't that the point of having a kid? Seriously, if you wanted a cute little kitten (bunny, lady bug, tiger, or insert other 'cute' baby animal of choice), why didn't you adopt one of those instead of having a child? Dressing your baby like a little animal is NOT cute. Your child is still a human being and probably won't trick any creature (except maybe a martian) into thinking he's anything other than what he is...a baby.
P.S. Animal print outfits are fine...I'm just a little concerned by parents who think they are being clever when they dress little Tommy up in a tiger print onesie with a cloth mane around the neck, and then top it off by popping a tiger's head hat complete with ears, eyes, and a gaping toothy mouth on Tommy's head.
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